Sexual assault has become an American way of life. A worldwide way of life. Women are assaulted in schools, at the office, on the street, in the home, by teachers, parents, schoolmates, colleagues, supervisors, CEOs, movie moguls, Supreme Court Judges, world leaders, President of the United States...Attacked, mocked, humiliated and left bereft of justice by the law of the land(s). 


Anita Hill, Christine Blasey Ford, Hillary Clinton, Emma Gonzalez, to name a few here at home. There are countless un-named, un-heard of, invisible women - here - there - and everywhere who face the same fate. This series reflects on those women, who are broken, but who have and will, mend stronger by the experience they faced at the hand(s) of men.  


Portraits on slate, from a condemned psychiatric hospital, seems quite appropriate in this world gone mad - where daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, all women, young and old, are prey. In solidarity with #metoo, #instasupport, #instawomen, #support, #enoughisenough, #domesticviolence, #strongwomen, #womenempowerment, #bestrong, #believewomen, #believesurvivors, #whyIdidntreport, #womensreality, #timesup, #nomore, #nevermoore, #meat14, #iamanastywoman, #imwithher, #everydaysexism, #tothegirls, #whyIstayed, #heforshe, #yesallwomen, #effyourbeautystandards, #tothegirls ..... I add 



These images celebrate and recognize the women that resist - and fight back for the rights of women, immigrants, the elderly, the quote the great Congresswoman Maxine Waters "We know that when a woman speaks truth to power, there will be attempts to put her down... I'm not going to go anywhere."